The Boondocks is an American animated series created by Aaron McGruder for the Adult Swim programming block of Turner Broadcasting's Cartoon Network, based upon McGruder's comic strip of the same name. The Boondocks is a social satire of American culture and race relations, revolving around the lives of the Freeman family – ten-year-old Huey, his younger brother, eight-year-old Riley, and their grandfather, Robert. The series is produced by Rebel Base in association with Sony Pictures Television and is currently airing its second season on Adult Swim.
The Boondocks takes place in the same place and time frame as its comic counterpart. The Freeman family, having recently transplanted themselves from the South Side of Chicago to the peaceful, fictional suburb of Woodcrest, find different ways to cope with this acute change in setting as well as the drastically different suburban cultures and lifestyles to which they are exposed. The perspective offered by this mixture of cultures, lifestyles, and races provides for much of the comedy on which the series plays.
The Boondocks Season 1 (2005) Episode List:The Boondocks S01E01 - The Garden Party
The Boondocks S01E02 - The Trial Of R. Kelly
The Boondocks S01E03 - Guess Hoe's Coming To Dinner
The Boondocks S01E04 - Granddad's Fight
The Boondocks S01E05 - A Date With The Health Inspector
The Boondocks S01E06 - The Story Of Gangstalicious
The Boondocks S01E07 - A Huey Freeman Christmas
The Boondocks S01E08 - The Real
The Boondocks S01E09 - Return Of The King
The Boondocks S01E10 - The Itis
The Boondocks S01E11 - Let's Nab Oprah
The Boondocks S01E12 - Riley Wuz Here
The Boondocks S01E13 - Wingmen
The Boondocks S01E14 - The Block Is Hot
The Boondocks S01E15 - The Passion Of Reverend Ruckus
External links:
The Boondocks (TV series) at
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